Permit Application for Holding Fund-Raising Activities / Sporting Competitions / Public Meetings / Making Public Speeches in Hong Kong Wetland Park
  • 第 1 步
  • 第 2 步
  • 第 3 步
  • 第 4 步
  • 第 5 步
  • 第 6 步
* 為必須填寫
團體名稱 Name of organisation*
申請人姓名 Name of applicant
中文 Chinese*
稱謂 Title*
英文 English*
申請人職位 Position of applicant*
電郵 E-mail*
電話號碼 Telephone No.*
傳真號碼 Fax No.
地址 Address*
聯絡人資料 Contact person information
聯絡人姓名 Name of contact person
中文 Chinese
稱謂 Title
英文 English
聯絡人職位 Position of contact person
電郵 E-mail
電話號碼 Telephone No.
傳真號碼 Fax No.
地址 Address

活動詳情 Activity details

每次活動費用 Fee for each activity: HK$ 520

活動性質 Nature of activity*
填寫下面的輸入欄 *
是否籌款活動 Fund-raising activity
活動日期 Activity date*
活動開始時間 Activity start time
活動結束時間 Activity end time
參加者人數 No. of participants*
年齡範圍 Age range
活動地點 Location of activity*
請在下面表格內詳列所有活動內容 Please give description of activity*

請附上 Please attach :

1. 比例不少於 1:20000活動地點的詳細位置圖 Detailed location map in scale of 1:20000 or larger.

2. 場地使用設計圖,包括擺放遮蔽處、海報、橫額、廣告宣傳品、音響器材、桌、凳、機械、接待處、救護處、支援處等位置

Layout plan of the venue, indicating the position of any shelter, poster, banner, advertisement, sound equipment, table, chair, machinery, reception counter, first aid post, support post, etc.

圖像格式/ Image type :JPEG
大少不多於/ Size up to: 5 MB

建造或建立遮蔽處 Construction or erection of shelter

每一項遮蔽處費用 Fee for each shelter: HK$ 317

是否需要建造或建立任何遮蔽處 Need to construct or erect any shelter*

請在下面表格內詳列所有遮蔽處 Please give details of all shelters

內容 /用途 Description / purpose
尺寸, 數量, 擺放位置 Size, quantity and location
請附上遮蔽處的樣本圖片 Please attach photo(s) of shelters to be used

大少不多於 / Size up to: 5.0 MB

圖像格式/ Image type :JPEG
圖像格式/ Image type :JPEG
圖像格式/ Image type :JPEG
圖像格式/ Image type :JPEG
圖像格式/ Image type :JPEG
圖像格式/ Image type :JPEG

展示標誌、告示、海報、橫額或廣告宣傳品 Display of sign, notice, poster, banner or advertisement

每月或不足一月費用 Fee per month / period less than a month: HK$ 250

是否需要展示標誌、告示、海報、橫額或廣告宣傳品 Need to display any sign, notice, poster, banner or advertisement*
請在下面表格內詳列所有尺寸大於 A3紙張的標誌、告示、海報、橫額或廣告宣傳品 Please give details of any sign, notice, poster, banner or advertisement which are bigger than A3 size

大少不多於 / Size up to: 5.0 MB

內容 /用途 Description / purpose
尺寸, 數量, 擺放位置 Size, quantity and location
檔案格式 / File format: PDF
檔案格式 / File format: PDF
檔案格式 / File format: PDF
檔案格式 / File format: PDF
檔案格式 / File format: PDF
圖像格式/ Image type :JPEG
圖像格式/ Image type :JPEG
圖像格式/ Image type :JPEG
圖像格式/ Image type :JPEG
圖像格式/ Image type :JPEG
使用音響器材及樂器 Use Sound equipment and musical instrument
是否有音響器材及樂器 No Sound equipment and musical instrument*
請在下面表格內詳列所有音響器材及樂器及數目 Please give details of all sound equipment and musical instruments
內容 /用途 Description / purpose
數量, 擺放位置 Quantity and location
請附上音響器材及樂器的資料及相片 Please provide information and photo(s) about the sound equipment and musical instrument(s)

大少不多於 / Size up to: 5.0 MB

檔案格式 / File format: PDF
圖像格式/ Image type :JPEG
圖像格式/ Image type :JPEG
圖像格式/ Image type :JPEG
其他設施 (包括桌、凳、機械、背版、台階、接待處、救護處、支援處等 ) Other facilities (including table, chair, machinery, backboard, platform, reception counter, first aid post, support post, etc.)
請在下面表格內詳列所有其他設施 Please give the details of all other facilities
設施 Facility
尺寸, 數量, 擺放位置 Size, quantity and location
聲明 Undertaking

本人 / 公司已閱讀、明白及同意遵守「在香港濕地公園舉行籌款活動、體育競賽、公眾集會或公開演說的指引」中的條款及細則本人 / 公司明白,未有提供所有與申請相關的文件及資料會延誤批核申請,亦可引致所申請的地點配給予其他申請者。本人 / 公司明白,署方會按實際狀況而考慮,所遞交的申請未必一定會獲得批出許可證。本人 / 公司確定於表格上所填報的資料均真確無訛,若資料不實,署方將會註銷簽發活動許可證。

I have read, understood and agreed to comply terms and conditions with the guidelines on “Permit application for holding fund-raising activities, sporting competitions, public meetings or making public speeches in Hong Kong Wetland Park.”

I understand that failure the necessary documents and information in processing my application may lead to delay in the approval of the application and may also result in the venue under application being allocated to other applicants.

I understand that applications will be considered according to the actual situations and the application and my application for the relevant permit may not necessarily be approved.

All the information given by me in this application is true and accurate. Any inaccurate information given may result in the revocation of any permit issued.

上載證明文件 Upload certification / licence document(s)

接受檔案格式 / Accept file format: PDF

(大少不多於 / Size up to: 5.0 MB)

申請人簽名 / 公司蓋印 Signature of applicant / Company chop
商業登記證 Business registration certificate
社團註冊證明書 Societies registration licence
屬公共性質的慈善機構及信託團體證明 Certification of charitable institutions and trusts of a public character

附註 Note

請勿在現階段寄交現金或支票,以繳付許可證 / 行政費用。

Do not send cash or cheque to pay for permit / filming fee at this stage.

查詢電話 Telephone enquiry3152 2666

傳真 Fax: 2617 1158

電郵 Email: info@wetlandpark.gov.hk

網址 Websitewww.wetlandpark.gov.hk

個人資料(私隱)收集聲明 Personal data collection statement :

1. 閣下於表格內所提供之個人資料只作處理申請之用。 The personal data provided will be used for the purpose of the application only.

2. 根據個人資料 (私隱)條例第 18, 22 及附表一的第六原則,閣下有權要求查問及更正表格內所提供的個人資料。 You have the right to request access to and the correction of personal data in this form in accordance with Sections 18 and 22 Principle 6 of Schedule 1 to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.


Guidelines on permit application for holding fund-raising activities, public meetings or making public speeches in Hong Kong Wetland Park

(1) 申請者最早可於擬活動日期前三個月申請,而最遲必須在擬進行活動日前最少三個工作天送達香港濕地公園。由於處理需時,未予足夠辦理時間者均不會獲接納。本署亦不會接受後補的申請。如同一地點、時間有多個機構申請,本署會按申請機構提交申請表格的先後次序處理。

Applications can be made 3 months in advance of the activity at the earliest, and must reach the Hong Kong Wetland Park (HKWP) at least 3 working days before the activity day. As processing takes time, late applications will not be accepted. Applications made after the event will not be accepted either. If more than one application regarding the same venue for the same period is received, the applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

(2) 如未能提交所需的資料,有關申請將不獲處理。而申請舉辦活動的日期及地點亦有機會配與其他申請者。

Applications without the necessary information will not be proceeded and the venue under application at the specified time may be allocated to other applicants.

(3) 請將填妥的申請表格連同有關證明文件以電郵或傳真方式送交香港濕地公園 (經辦人:營運經理)。

Completed application forms with supporting documents should reach the HKWP by email, or fax (Attn: Wetland Park Manager/Operation).

(4) 一般團體參觀或自然導賞活動,是無需要申請活動許可證的。但活動如牽涉公開演說、各類型的典禮、儀式及大型的音響設施等,一律需要申請。

Permits are not necessary for organizing group visits or nature appreciation guided tours. However, if such activities involve public speech making, ceremonies or the use of large sound equipment, permits have to be applied for.

(5) 香港濕地公園是供大眾市民享用的。因此,申請者應盡量避免建立遮蔽處。如因活動需要建立遮蔽處,申請者必須在申請表上明確提出並附上有關的尺寸、數目、樣本及放置的位置等資料。一般來說,每一遮蔽處的面積都不可大過十平方米。如發現建立遮蔽處的尺寸、數目、樣本及擺放的位置與申請不符,申請者會被要求拆去有關的遮蔽處。

HKWP is for public enjoyment, and applicants should as far as possible avoid erecting shelters. If there is a need to do so, this should be indicated specifically on the application form, specifying the design of the proposed shelters and providing information on their size, number and location to be erected. In general, each shelter should not cover an area exceeding 10 m2 . If the size, number, design and location of erection of such shelters are different from those specified on the application form, the applicant would be required to remove the shelters concerned.

(6) 申請者應盡量避免展示任何標誌、告示、海報、條幅或廣告宣傳品。如因活動而需要展示,申請者必須同時在申請表上明確提出所有標誌、告示、海報或條幅。橫額或標誌只可懸掛於主要入口或活動的主要場地,不可掛於樹上。本署不會批准純粹作商業廣告宣傳的標誌、告示、海報或條幅申請。一般來說,所有標誌、告示、海報或條幅不可大過一米乘四米。如展示的標誌、告示、海報、條幅的尺寸、數目、及放置的位置與申請不符,申請者會被要求拆去有關的標誌、告示、海報或條幅。

Applicants should as far as possible avoid displaying signs, notices, posters, banners or advertisements. If there is a need to display such items, this should be indicated specifically on the application form. Banners or signs may only be hung at the main entrance or the main activity location, and must not be hung on trees. Application for display of items purely for commercial advertising purposes will not be approved. In general, all display items should not exceed the size of 1 m X 4 m. If the size, number and location of display of such items are different from those specified on the application form, the applicant would be required to remove the items concerned.

(7) 申請者應盡量避免建造或建立任何背板、台階及設立音響器材。如因活動所需,申請者必須同時在申請表上明確提出並附上有關的尺寸、數目、樣本及放置的位置等資料。一般來說,背板不可大過三米乘五米,台階面積不可大過二米乘三米。

Applicants should as far as possible avoid constructing or erecting backboards or platforms, or installing sound equipment. If there is a need to do so, this should be indicated specifically on the application form, specifying the design of the proposed structures/equipment and providing information on their sizes, numbers and locations to be erected/installed. In general, backboards should not exceed the size of 3m X 5m, and platforms 2m X 3m.

(8) 申請者必須提交一份場地使用設計圖,包括擺放遮蔽處、海報、條幅、廣告宣傳品、音響器材、檯、凳、機械、 接待處、救護處、支援處等位置。使用設計圖應盡量詳細,以便審核。申請人需按照設計圖的位置擺放。但本署職員可能會就活動當日的現場情況而要求申請人更改有關的擺放位置。

Applicants must submit a layout plan of the venue, indicating the position of any shelter, poster, banner, advertisement, sound equipment, table, chair, machinery, reception counter, first aid post, support post, etc. The layout plan should be as detailed as possible to facilitate vetting. All items/structures must be positioned according to the layout plan. However, the applicant may be required to change the position of the items with regard to the situation on site on the activity day.

(9) 所有車輛一律不准進入香港濕地公園之訪客中心及濕地保護區內,車輛應停泊於香港濕地公園停車場及需要繳付有關收費。

Vehicles shall not be allowed to enter the Visitor Centre and the Reserve Area. All vehicles should be parked at HKWP car park and the parking fees should be paid.

(10) 申請將按地點、時間、對其它訪客的影響等等作個別考慮,未必所有申請都會允許。原則上以下的活動申請不會獲得批准:

Applications will be considered case by case, taking into account the location, time of the activity and its impact on other visitors. The AFCD is not bound to approve all applications. Activities containing the following features will in principle not be approved:

  • 活動範圍太大或涉及太多參加者 covering too large area or involving too many participants
  • 舉行競賽性質的活動 activities in competitive nature
  • 活動時間過長及在熱門的時間內舉行 lasting for too long and to be held during peak hours
  • 需使用大型音響器材及樂器而該樂器會使任何人或野生動物受到干擾 using large sound equipment and musical instruments causing disturbance to others or wildlife
  • 活動會嚴重妨礙其他訪客享用濕地公園 seriously affecting other visitors’ enjoyment of the HKWP
  • 與其他已批准的活動太接近 being too close to other permitted activities
  • 活動會破壞自然環境,影響樹木生長、阻塞或污染任何水體 damaging the natural environment, affecting the growth of plants, and blocking or contaminating any water features
  • 活動性質與自然環境不配合 nature of activity being incompatible with the natural environment

(11) 所有獲批准進行的活動,亦不代表主辦機構擁有活動範圍的專用權。政府人員、政府車輛及其他訪客亦可自由使用場地。

Permission of the activity does not mean the organizers have the exclusive right to use the activity area. Government officers, government vehicles and other visitors are free to use the venue as well.

(12) 所有在申請表上填寫的資料,一經批出許可證後,未得本署同意,不得擅自更改。如因在不能預測的情況下需要修改申請表上的資料,申請人必須最少在活動舉行前三個工作天以書面提出。而所有更改的申請亦未必一定獲得 允許。再者,任何修改的要求,均可視作為新的申請,一經批准,將按相關許可證收費率收取費用。

The information provided on the application form cannot be changed without the AFCD’s consent after the issue of a permit. If any amendments need to be made owing to unforeseen circumstances, the applicant should submit a written request at least 3 working days before the activity day, and such requests might not be approved. Any request for amendment may be regarded as a new application, and a regular permit fee will be charged upon approval.

(13) 申請結果會以電郵、傳真或致電通知。如申請獲批准,申請者需於指定限期內繳交費用。如未能在指定限期內繳費,有關申請將被註銷。

Applicants will be notified by email, fax or telephone. Successful applicants are required to pay the relevant fee within the specified period. Permission granted for the applications will be revoked if the applicants fail to pay the relevant fees within the specified period.

(14) 許可證費為:每次活動為五百二十元,每一遮蔽處為三百一十七元,展示標誌、告示、海報、條幅或廣告宣傳品為每月或不足一月二百五十元,該項收費可在未預先通知的情況下作出調整。許可證費用一概不予退還。

Permit fees are as follows: $520 for each event; $317 for each shelter; and $250 each month (or for a period less than a month) for the display of any sign, notice, poster, banner or advertisement. The fees are subject to adjustment without prior notice. Permit fees paid will not be refunded.

(15) 已獲批准的活動地點、日期及時間或會被放在濕地公園的網頁上供市民查閱。如申請者認為部份資料不適宜放在網頁上,申請者必須在提交申請表時明確提出。

Information about permitted activities, including the location, date and time might be uploaded to HKWP’s website for public’s information. If the applicant considers that some of the information should not be made available on the website, he should specifically indicate this when submitting the application.

(16) 申請者並不會因獲得本活動許可證而豁免領取其他按香港法例所需的許可證。申請者必須自行了解是否就有關的活動聯絡其他政府部門,例如水務署,香港警務署等。

Applicants issued with this activity permits still need to apply for other permits required by law. They should check by themselves whether they need to approach other government departments such as the Water Supplies Department or the Hong Kong Police Force in respect of the activities.

(17) 申請者必須嚴格遵守活動許可證上所列的條件及有責任提醒參與者、工作人員及義工等有關的條件。若申請者違反任何郊野公園及特別地區規例或許可證上的所列的條件,本署有權取消已發出的活動許可證,並對有關人士作出檢控。

Applicants must observe closely the conditions listed on the activity permits and they have the responsibility to remind all participants, workers and volunteers of the conditions. The AFCD reserves the right to revoke any permits issued and may prosecute the applicants concerned who are found to have violated any provisions under the Country Parks and Special Areas Regulations or any conditions of the permits.
