
Lidded Cleistocalyx
Cleistocalyx nervosum

While you move from Stream Walk to Succession Walk, you can spot different species of tree along the water margin, but not all trees like to inhabit moist environment like the Lidded Cleistocalyx. You can find it not only in the Hong Kong Wetland Park, but also along streams all over Hong Kong.Now, you can find Lidded Cleistocalyx along the Stream Walk in the Hong Kong Wetland Park, displaying in full bloom. Its little white flowers are arranged in clusters of 2-3, arising in cone shape at the nodes of the old branches. The berry-shaped fruits start to mature from later summer to early autumn. The red berries turn blackish when mature.This water-loving tree is a native species of Hong Kong. Since its fruit is a juicy edible berry, fruit-eating birds are attracted to feed on the fruit, providing delicious food in the natural environment. Besides beneficial to the natural environment, its flowers have long been used by the Chinese for making herbal tea (Twenty-four ingredient herbal tea), as it is said to have a cooling effect on the body and aids digestion. Do think about Lidded Cleistocalyx when you drink Chinese herbal tea next time.

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