While you move on from Wetland Discovery Centre to Succession Walk, you can catch one of our loveliest spring beauties, Water Hyssop, forming green mats on the margins of the ponds. Although they do not have showy flowers, you won’t miss the cheery white flowers sprinkled on top of the green foliage.
Bacopa monnieri consists of creeping stems and has bright green leaf that is fleshy, sessile, oblong, and up to 2 cm long. The leaves have entire margin, rounded apex and are oppositely arranged on the stem. The flowers have five petals in white or pale purple. The plant is usually found in freshwater habitats; it can grow in deep or shallow water but prefers slow flowing rivers.
Wanna have a closer look at them? You will not be disappointed if you look closely along the water fringes of the Stream Walk and Wetland Discovery Centre. You will be surprised to see white flowers like snow flakes fallen on some green floating islands formed by Bacopa monnieri. From now until October, you still have chance to meet these white beauties.
Bacopa monnieri holds an energy of earnest and endurance. At the beginning, Water Hyssop tends to stay at the river bank and starts as an unnoticeable little plant. But sooner or later, they’ll grow all over the ponds, like green carpets floating in our water features and ponds. Although no showy blossom, Bacopa are remarkably hardy and thrives in almost all conditions. They are always there, in summer and winter, and they survive drought or flood.