
Wandering Glider
Pantala flavescens

It is winter time again! While migratory birds have been arriving at Hong Kong gradually, most bugs have stopped singing at night. It seems most insects are hiding away over winter. However the Wandering Glider is an exception.Even in the coldest month in Hong Kong, small groups of Wandering Gliders can still be found in the wild. If you spot dragonflies flying in sheltered areas in winter, you are probably seeing Wandering Gliders. Just like what its name suggests, Wandering Glider has outstanding flying ability and is highly migratory. It is one of the most accomplished migratory dragonfly species and is widely-spread over the world. No wonder Wandering Glider is also known as the "Global Skimmer".The behaviour of Wandering Glider is often a sign of bad weather. Old Chinese wisdom tells us that large group of dragonflies flying at low attitude often indicates the arrival of rainy days shortly. Not surprisingly, Wandering Glider is exactly one of these "indicators". Have you ever noticed large groups of Wander Gliders swarming the sky, preying on small insects before a typhoon comes? That is probably the reason why Wandering Glider is also known as "Typhoon Dragonfly".So next time you encounter similar situations, check the weather forecast. See if the predictions made by our natural prophets would match that by modern technology!

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